The Israeli Society for Cancer Research was formed in order to bring together cancer scientists from the Israeli academia, hospitals, governmental institutes and the private sector. The main purpose of the ISCR is to foster interactions among Israeli cancer researchers, create a platform for collaborations between cancer researchers and clinicians who treat cancer patients, and encourage international collaborations.
Such national and international interactions will advance the prevention and treatment of cancer on the basis of world class scientific research.
Since its inception, the ISCR has enjoyed the encouragement of the Israel Cancer Association.
To foster sharing of knowledge and collaborations in Israel and abroad, we organize annual meetings where the latest discoveries and advancements in cancer research are presented by both basic and clinical cancer scientists and physicians. These meetings xpose students and fellows to the research performed by leading laboratories, and give junior scientists an opportunity to gain experience in presenting their own research.
As part of your ISCR membership, you receive free membership to the EACR of which the ISCR is an affiliated national society. ISCR members benefit from full membership of the EACR, free of charge.
The EACR offers a wide range of services to support its community of members, including reduced registration fees for congresses and conferences (in person or virtual), free registration for webinars and networking events, facilitation of communications and collaborations within the cancer research community, and the opportunity to apply for grants and fellowships. Visit to find out more.
President: Prof. Cyrille Cohen, Bar-Ilan University
Vice President: Prof. Neta Erez, Tel Aviv University
Yuval Shaked (Technion)
Reuven Rich (Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School)
Ruth Scherz-Shouval (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Natan Karin (Technion)
Adit Ben-Baruch (Tel Aviv University)
Ilan Tsarfaty (Tel Aviv University)
Eli Pikarsky (Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School)
Raanan Berger (Sheba Medical Center)
Baruch Brenner (Rabin Medical Center)
Jacob Gopas (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Michal Neeman (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Gal Markel (Rabin Medical Center)
Miri Ziv (Israel Cancer Association)
Treasurer: Prof. Zvi Fishelson, Tel Aviv University